23 Jul: Mediation Message No. 75

MICHAEL D. MARCUS’S MEDIATION MESSAGE NO. 75 MEDIATORS’ PET PEEVES Last month I wrote about attorneys’ pet peeves concerning mediators. This month, as promised, I’m commenting on gripes that mediators have regarding what lawyers do or don’t do at mediation. Not filing a timely mediation brief – It is not uncommon for mediation briefs to be submitted the afternoon before or the day of the mediation. The law is a demanding companion, but the sooner…

23 Jul: Mediation Message No. 74

MICHAEL D. MARCUS’S MEDIATION MESSAGE NO. 74 ATTORNEYS’ PET PEEVES I asked lawyers with whom I regularly mediate what “pet peeves” they have about the mediation process. Their responses, which I’ve been assured are only about other mediators and not me, provide valuable reminders about what attorneys want out of mediation; their thoughts also provide me the opportunity to comment briefly about their complaints. “Not respecting a lawyer’s evaluation. Harping on ‘risk’ in general, without…