04 Jun: Mediation Message #162

SPECULATIVE EXPERT TESTIMONY v. EXPERT QUALIFICATIONS Sargon Enterprises, Inc. v. University of Southern California (2012) 55 Cal.4th 747 holds that the exclusion of speculative expert testimony is one of a trial judge’s gatekeeper functions. (Id. at pp. 771-772.) In other words, “the court must simply determine whether the matter relied on can provide a reasonable basis for the opinion or whether that opinion is based on a leap of logic or conjecture.” (Id. at p….

10 Aug: Mediation Message No. 157

SANCHEZ’S HEARSAY DECISION THREE YEARS LATER People v. Sanchez (2016) 63 Cal.4th 665 holds that the hearsay rule applies to case-specific out-of-court statements considered by experts as true and accurate and relied upon to support their opinions, because such statements are being admitted for the truth. (Id. at p. 686.) “Case-specific facts are those relating to the particular events and participants alleged to have been involved in the case being tried.” (Id. at p. 676.)…

18 Dec: Mediation Message No. 124

MICHAEL D. MARCUS’S MEDIATION MESSAGE NO. 124 EXPERT TESTIMONY AND THE HEARSAY RULE: GENERALIZED BACKGROUND INFORMATION VERSUS CASE-SPECIFIC FACTS In People v. Sanchez (2016) 63 Cal.4th 665, a unanimous Supreme Court clarified what information and facts experts rely upon are and are not subject to a hearsay objection. Sanchez holds the hearsay rule applies to case-specific out-of-court statements considered by experts as true and accurate and relied upon to support their opinions, because such statements…